Shoppers Say This $20 Shoe Hack Makes Walking More Comfortable

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Some people take a “beauty is pain” approach to life. “Beauty is pain so I’m happy to get bikini wax.” “Beauty is pain so I’ll apply another layer of that plumping lip gloss that feels like a thousand bee stings.” I — however — have a pain tolerance so low I started hyperventilating before I got my most recent ear piercing, mostly rebuke the idea, save for one special exception: Shoes.

I have been known to terrorize my feet in the name of fashion. I’ll gladly wear loafers I haven’t broken in or sky-high pumps that squeeze my toes and lead to full-body aches just because they make an outfit look better. But this year, InStyle’s senior commerce writer, Eva Thomas, shared that she’d made the resolution to ditch uncomfortable shoes without actually ditching them, thanks to an affordable hack that “transformed even [her] most uncomfortable shoes into a pair suitable for 20,000 steps.” And with one of those very hacks on sale at Amazon, I’m finally ready to join her in saying goodbye to foot pain without overhauling my shoe collection.

Walk Hero’s Orthotic Shoe Insoles


Walk Hero’s orthotic shoe insoles are designed to add comfort and support to each step. The inserts can be added to just about any shoe, with shoppers saying they’ve put them in everything from boots and dress shoes to even slippers. The inserts provide arch support for stress reduction at the feet, ankles, and knees, while a deep heel cup protects against heavy impact while also evenly distributing your weight. The result is improved leg alignment and less pain. And according to shoppers, they noticed a difference immediately.

“My pain from my flat, wide feet shot up from my ankle [to my] lower back. [I] thought I'd give these a shot and immediately felt my posture improve and my pain diminish throughout the day,” wrote one customer who raved about the “amazing relief” offered by Walk Hero’s inserts. Customers with plantar fasciitis also swear by the editor-approved hack, with one person writing that between other expensive inserts and injections, nothing helped. But after adding these to their shoes, they “no longer wake up dreading [their] first few steps in the morning and [are] much, much more comfortable throughout the day.” And a shopper who “was not able to sleep” due to foot pain now notes that they can “hike and walk miles” without any aches.

Make your shoes more versatile with the editor- and shopper-approved hack that adds cloud-like softness and arch support to the shoe you once wore for style, not comfort while Walk Hero’s orthotic inserts are on sale at Amazon.
