Brazzers And Trendzz Reveal The Weirdest Porn Searches In America

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Trending News: The Weirdest Adult Searches In America, According To Brazzers

December 7, 2016




Long Story Short

After a year of weirdness, AskMen partnered with Brazzers and Trendzz (their SFW adult entertainment site) looked at Brazzers' search data to determine the most bizarre searches in America. 10 states made up the bulk of the bizarre searches, and they were indeed bizarre.

Long Story

It's fair to say, at this point, that we're all pretty much done with 2016. It was a strange year, with weird politics, weird date ideas and it was capped off with one of the oddest conspiracy theories in recent memory. Maybe it's fitting, then, that 2016's porn was also weird as hell. To find out just how weird, we teamed up with Trendzz and Brazzers and asked them to do a little digging.

The results were, well, about as weird as you'd expect in a year that featured a pizza box that doubles as a functioning DJ table. Brazzers took a look at all searches from December of 2015 to now, and on the one hand, the whole country hasn't gone crazy -- just 10 states made up the bulk of the bizarre searches. On the other hand, those 10 states are into some really kinky stuff. The results are summed up this infographic:


Most of these defy explanation. At least dairy is a big industry in both New Jersey and California, so maybe that explains the interest in "milking" (though, I assure you, it's not cows who are being milked in these videos)? Virginia, oddly, is into "sister" porn which, if you ask people around here, should be the provenance of West Virginia -- accept, WV was one of a handful of states with almost no bizarre searches.

By far the strangest phenomenon is the emergence of "mom and son" as a popular search term, up over 400% from last year and featuring prominently in Texas. Searching that term on Brazzers returns a staggering 7,188 results, but they're all about either stepmoms, or a "friend's" mom -- actual incest is not a good look, even for boundary-pushing porn companies. Why, then, is "mom and son" so popular? Does it reflect the shorthand used to search for the exploding stepmom porn genre, or are people looking for something darker?

Truly strange porn is dying out, as the need to monetize tends to push producers towards the mainstream. That's why, if you're a betting man, it's a smart wager that as these fringe groups continue to get squeezed, the searches on mainstream sites will continue to get more and more bizarre.

Own The Conversation

Ask The Big Question

What could be driving the massive increase in searches for "mom and son" and "caught?"

Drop This Fact

Minnesota has 25% more interest in "fisting" than any other state.
