Amina And Sarah Said Open Casket

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Amina and Sarah Said Open Casket is a phrase that has sparked controversy and debate. The tragic story of Amina and Sarah Said, two teenage sisters who were murdered by their father in 2008, has resurfaced in the media due to the release of a documentary about their case. The phrase "Amina and Sarah Said Open Casket" refers to the decision made by the girls' mother to have an open casket funeral, despite the objections of their father.

The documentary, titled "The Price of Honor," explores the events leading up to the murders of Amina and Sarah Said, as well as the aftermath and the impact on their family. The decision to have an open casket funeral for the girls has become a point of contention, with many questioning the motives behind the mother's choice. The phrase "Amina and Sarah Said Open Casket" has become a symbol of the ongoing struggle for justice and the fight against honor violence.

As the story of Amina and Sarah Said continues to capture public attention, it raises important questions about the prevalence of honor violence, the rights of women and girls, and the impact of family dynamics on individuals' lives. The phrase "Amina and Sarah Said Open Casket" serves as a reminder of the need for awareness and action to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

Who were Amina and Sarah Said?

Amina and Sarah Said were two teenage sisters who lived in Texas with their parents, Yaser Abdel Said and Patricia Owens. The girls' lives were tragically cut short on New Year's Day in 2008 when they were shot to death by their father, allegedly due to his disapproval of their American lifestyle. The case gained national attention and sparked widespread outrage at the time.

What led to their murder?

The girls' mother, Patricia Owens, had reported their father, Yaser Abdel Said, for abusive behavior prior to the murders. Despite this, Yaser Abdel Said remained at large for over a decade before being apprehended in 2020. The events leading up to the murders and the family dynamics have been the subject of extensive scrutiny and speculation.

Why did their mother choose an open casket funeral?

The decision to have an open casket funeral for Amina and Sarah Said has been a point of controversy, with many questioning the motives behind the mother's choice. The decision to display the girls' bodies in an open casket despite the objections of their father has been the subject of much debate and discussion.

What impact has their story had on the fight against honor violence?

The story of Amina and Sarah Said has shed light on the prevalence of honor violence and the need for greater awareness and action to prevent such tragedies from occurring. The phrase "Amina and Sarah Said Open Casket" has become a rallying cry for advocates and activists working to end honor violence and protect the rights of women and girls.

Documentary: "The Price of Honor"

The release of the documentary "The Price of Honor" has brought renewed attention to the case of Amina and Sarah Said. The film explores the events leading up to the girls' murders, the impact on their family, and the ongoing fight for justice. The phrase "Amina and Sarah Said Open Casket" is a central theme in the documentary, sparking important conversations about honor violence and the rights of women and girls.

What has the documentary revealed?

"The Price of Honor" delves into the complexities of the case, shedding light on the family dynamics, the events leading up to the murders, and the aftermath. The documentary has sparked important discussions about the impact of honor violence and the need for greater awareness and action to prevent similar tragedies.

How has the documentary contributed to the ongoing conversation?

The release of "The Price of Honor" has reignited public interest in the case of Amina and Sarah Said, prompting important conversations about honor violence, family dynamics, and the fight for justice. The documentary has served as a catalyst for advocacy and activism in the ongoing battle against honor violence.


The story of Amina and Sarah Said continues to resonate with audiences, sparking important conversations about honor violence, family dynamics, and the fight for justice. The phrase "Amina and Sarah Said Open Casket" serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle to protect the rights of women and girls and prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

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