Frame text

Publish date: 2024-05-07
Frame text

Frame text is perfect for presenting paragraphs with a formalized structure and layout. If you want to present text in columns, frame text is the ideal solution.

By clicking in the drawn frame then typing, you're able to fill the frame with frame text. If excess text overflows the bottom of the frame, you can either reduce the text's font size from the context toolbar or make the text frame larger; both methods will make the text fit the frame.

Frame text can be created within rectangular (square) frames using the Frame Text Tool or within any curve or closed shape.

To achieve natural looking text while working on your design, from the Text menu, select Insert Filler Text.

Frame Text Tool To create frame text:

With the Frame Text Tool selected:

  • Drag on the page. This sets the initial size of the text frame.
  • Do one of the following:
  • For text imported from external applications, use Paste without Format (Edit menu) for 'clean' unformatted text.

    To create frame text from curves/shapes:
  • Select a previously drawn curve or shape.
  • From the Tools panel, select Frame Text Tool.
  • Position the cursor close to the curve or within the shape.

    The cursor will change to indicate that shaped frame text will be created.

  • Click to convert the curve or shape to a shaped text frame.
  • Type your text.
  • Alternatively, select a previously drawn line, curve or shape and then, from the Layer menu, select Convert to Text Frame.

    Modifier keys

    When using the Frame Text Tool, the following modifier keys can be used:

    Text Tools and the

    The uses the following logic when a Text Tool is active:

  • If the is used when glyphs (characters) are selected, the glyphs are deselected but the caret (cursor) remains inside the text object. (You can then continue editing the text within the text object.)
  • If the caret is inside the text object and no glyphs are selected, the will remove the caret and select the text object. (You can then press V to switch to the Move Tool to reposition the text object.)
  • With the text object selected, pressing the will deselect the text object.
  • Resizing text frames

    When resizing a frame you can control whether:

    To reflow text:

    With the text frame selected, do one of the following:

    To scale text:

    Using placeholder text

    If you're designing before full copy has been written, you can use placeholder (filler) text to help you progress with your project.

    To add filler text:

