Is Milo Dead on Mayor of Kingstown? The Shocking Twist in the Season 2 Finale

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Mayor of Kingstown, the crime drama series created by Taylor Sheridan and Hugh Dillon, has been keeping the viewers on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and intense characters. The show revolves around the McLusky family, who act as power brokers in Kingstown, Michigan, a town that survives on the prison industry. The show stars Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky, the titular mayor of Kingstown, who tries to maintain order and peace among the various factions and gangs that operate in and out of the prisons.

One of the main antagonists of the show is Milo Sunter, played by Aidan Gillen, a ruthless and cunning crime boss who escapes from prison and becomes a major threat to Mike and his family. Milo is the leader of the Russian mafia, and he has a personal vendetta against Mike, who was responsible for putting him behind bars. Milo also has a twisted relationship with Iris, Mike’s sister-in-law, whom he forces to work as a prostitute in his strip club.

The second season of Mayor of Kingstown ended with a shocking cliffhanger, leaving the fans wondering about Milo’s fate. Is Milo dead or alive? Did Mike succeed in killing him, or did he survive the explosion? Here is everything you need to know about the season 2 finale and what it means for the future of the show.

The Explosive Plan

In the season 2 finale, titled “The Bonds”, Mike comes up with a plan to get rid of Milo once and for all. He manages to get his hands on some bonds that Milo needs to secure his escape from Kingstown. He arranges a meeting with Milo on a boat, where he agrees to exchange the bonds for Iris, who has been held captive by Milo for months. Mike also plants a bomb on the boat, intending to blow up Milo and his men after he gets Iris back.

However, things don’t go as smoothly as Mike hopes. Milo reveals that he knows about the bomb, and that he has a backup plan. He tells Mike that he has a mole inside the McLusky family, who has been feeding him information and helping him evade the authorities. He also says that he has a partner, Tatiana, who is waiting for him on another boat. He then gives Mike a choice: either let him go with the bonds, or watch Iris die with him.

Mike reluctantly agrees to let Milo go, and he and Iris get off the boat. As they watch Milo sail away, the bomb goes off, causing a huge explosion. Mike and Iris are relieved, thinking that they have finally killed Milo and ended his reign of terror.

The Shocking Twist

However, in the final scene of the episode, we see that Milo is not dead. He is actually on another boat, talking to Tatiana on the phone. He tells her that everything went according to plan, and that he is on his way. He also says that he still has the bonds, and that he has faked his death. He then hangs up, and smiles wickedly.

This twist reveals that Milo had anticipated Mike’s plan, and that he had used it to his advantage. He had somehow switched the boats, and escaped the explosion. He had also fooled Mike into thinking that he had a mole in his family, when in fact he had a partner in Tatiana, who is revealed to be his lover and accomplice. Milo is still alive, and he is still a threat to Mike and Kingstown.

The Implications for Season 3

The season 2 finale of Mayor of Kingstown sets up an intriguing scenario for the potential third season of the show. Milo is still at large, and he has a lot of resources and allies to continue his criminal activities. He also has a personal grudge against Mike, and he might seek revenge for his failed attempt to kill him. Milo is a master manipulator, and he might use his fake death to his advantage, and strike when Mike least expects it.

On the other hand, Mike might not be completely fooled by Milo’s trick. He might suspect that Milo is still alive, and try to find him and expose him. Mike is a smart and resourceful leader, and he might have some clues or evidence that could lead him to Milo. Mike might also try to figure out who Tatiana is, and how she is connected to Milo. Mike might also face some challenges and conflicts from other enemies, such as the FBI, the prison gangs, and the corrupt politicians.

The third season of Mayor of Kingstown could explore the ongoing cat-and-mouse game between Mike and Milo, and the consequences of their actions for themselves and the town. The show could also delve deeper into the characters’ backgrounds, motivations, and relationships, and reveal more secrets and surprises. The show could also address some of the unanswered questions and loose ends from the previous seasons, such as the identity of Milo’s mole, the fate of Mike’s brother Mitch, and the role of the mysterious Harlan.


Milo is not dead on Mayor of Kingstown, and he is still a dangerous and powerful villain. He survived the explosion on the boat, and he faked his death to escape from Mike and Kingstown. He also has a partner in Tatiana, who is his lover and accomplice. He still has the bonds, and he might use them to fund his criminal empire. He also might come back to haunt Mike and his family, and cause more trouble and chaos in the town. The season 2 finale of Mayor of Kingstown left the fans with a shocking twist, and a lot of anticipation for the next season.
