Where is Tiafoe from? What ethnicity is Tiafoe? How do you pronounce Tiafoe?

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Frances Tiafoe is an American professional tennis player who has played as a professional for seven years. Frances Tiafoe is a twin and the name of his twin brother is called Franklin Tiafoe.

Where is Tiafoe from?

Frances Tiafoe is from Hyattsville, Maryland, in the United States of America.

What ethnicity is Tiafoe?

Frances Tiafoe is of Sierra Leonean ethnicity. Frances Tiafoe was born to Sierra Leonean immigrants called Frances Constant Tiafor Sr and Alphina Kamara.

How do you pronounce Tiafoe?

Frances Tiafoe’s surname is pronounced (tuh-fow).

Frances Tiafoe is a staunch supporter of the Washington Capitals in the National Hockey League and the Washington Commanders in the National Football League. Frances Tiafoe was one of the competitors in the Davis Cup and the Hopman Cup.

Frances Tiafoe has been quite instrumental in his growing sporting career and there are many honours awaiting him in the future.
