Pat Flynn Blog Review Building a Smart Passive Income Podcast Empire

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Pat Flynn is a 30-something-year-old American entrepreneur, blogger, and podcast guru who created a site known as As one of the most followed bloggers in the world today, Pat has created a site dedicated to generating income experiments and sharing the results with his audience to help them improve their finances and lives.

Flynn’s entertaining and informative podcasts have been listed as being in the Top 10 podcasts in iTunes’s business category. He has a good following and enjoys sharing tips and tricks with other beginning entrepreneurs to help them create their fortune.

Pat Flynn’s Blog

Pat Flynn’s blog is focused on creating ideas that entrepreneurs can leverage to create a marketable prototype, product, or idea. This can include digital products as well as physical products. Some of his guests have been in the digital marketing space, while others have focused on creating physical products and concepts that can be modified for consumption and sale.

The Smart Passive Income blog covers a wide range of ideas for income generation including:

Depending on the type of market and product or idea you have, you may want to check out his tools of the trade to decide which ones will most help you optimize your marketing challenges and concepts.

If you scroll down the page on his main blog site, you will also find interesting and informative blog posts on how to become an inventor, new affiliate marketing opportunities, and other ideas. Some of these entries are podcasts while others are actual blog posts. You can read the articles or listen to the podcasts anytime and share with others on social media if you choose to do so.

Flynn’s blog is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to start a business online, create a product, or become an online entrepreneur. Whether you are a writer, musician, content creator, or inventor, you’ll find plenty of inspiration on his site that can inspire you to move forward with your goals and dreams.

The main thing is to do something. Once you read the content on his blog, it should inspire you to create a product or a marketable idea around your concept so that you are moving toward building a real prototype or model of your idea.

The blog itself focuses on creating a passive income as its primary objective. Flynn stresses through his various expert guests that the main reason you want to work on building products and services is to create a passive income.

Passive income is anything that you create at the front end and then mass produce in some way (such as a book, music, artwork, or an invention) that is patented and mass produced in your name. Then you work out deals with distributors as you can afford to expand and this will allow you to create more units and see a higher level of passive income.

How to Become an Inventor

One of the best podcasts on Pat’s blog is the topic of “How to Become an Inventor.” Pat interviews Ryan Gorman in this podcast in which Ryan talks about inventing physical products.

Ryan talks about his early beginnings as a musician who toured as a sound engineer for bands. Then he got married and wanted to stay near home more. So he worked at a sporting goods store where he was hired to do their marketing. He loved the products he encountered at the sporting goods store and he started to create his own inventions. He stated that he has created about 50 inventions and that 10 of them are marketable in his opinion.

His obsession with drawing and imagining new ideas and products has helped him to reach out to others in the design industry who could help him market and design his products to get them ready for market.

Ryan stresses the importance of securing a design or product patent, depending on the product you are creating as a product inventor. This protects your product so that no one can copy it. This protects your invention from the many people that try to imitate a product that is doing well on the market later.

Pat Flynn’s Web Properties

Below are the best of Pat Flynn’s web properties. First, you will find his main site at, followed by the blog and his social media URLs. Take a look at these web properties and see what you can learn about Flynn and his ability to help people generate a passive income for themselves through a scientific approach. There’s no exact formula for wealth, but it’s clear that Pat has some great ideas when it comes to cultivating the resources you need to start building your wealth or cash machine.

Main Page:

Social Accounts:

Creating Your Own Empire

Now that we’ve got you thinking about the importance of creating a passive income, perhaps you will want to create your dream and find ways to start your passive income streams.

If you are an online entrepreneur, a writer, musician, inventor, or blogger at heart, it’s never too late to start building your fortune with your blog.

Start with a great idea then brainstorm on legal pads or scratch paper until you fine-tune your idea. Then think about how you will bring your idea to market. While you are still in the brainstorming phases, think about what Steve Jobs always said. It is more important to think about what people want and then sell it to them rather than to make something and push it to market hoping they will purchase it.

How to Start a WordPress Blog like Pat Flynn

If you have an idea, great! Think about how that idea will genuinely help people and add value to their lives. Will it help them save time or money in their daily lives? Will it enrich their relationships, allow them to spend more time with their families, or help them retire in style?

What does your idea or product bring to your target audience? Once you have an idea of how you will communicate this, start listing topics that relate to your topic and write your first article.

Then consider adding a weekly podcast, a video, or an infographic. This will add color and intrigue to what you do and avoid getting stuck in writing articles only.

People appreciate articles, but nothing comes more to life than a podcast or video to get your message across. Get even more creative by creating a nice whiteboard animation video that sketches out ideas for people to take in.

Whatever media or methods you choose, use this post as a reference and learn from the masters like Pat Flynn to inspire you. Then make it original. You’ll win over your audience with your charm and originality and by showing them how you will bring value to their lives.

To help you get started with this process, we have partnered up with Bluehost — one of the most recommended and trusted web hosting companies in the world today. Click the link below to get your free domain name and web hosting package for up to 60% off. Best of all, WordPress will instantly be installed for you, and there are no technical or design skills required.

In the end, your blog is about you. Just as these celebrity blogs are about them.

Show the world your value. You can do it. Everyone who has made a million dollars started with just a dream. Steve Jobs, Jeff Besos, and Pat Flynn all started with just an idea. It is up to you to take the actions needed to turn that idea into a passive income.
