Sandra Regina Arantes do Nascimento cause of death: What happened to Pels daughter?

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Do Nascimento Sandra Regina Machado Felinto, a politician from Santos, So Paulo, Brazil, passed away on October 17, 2006 (he was born on August 24, 1964, in Guarujá).

After fighting for years in court to have the legendary soccer player Pelé, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, recognized as her father, the councilwoman attracted widespread attention. This process took more than thirty years.

Sandra Regina Arantes do Nascimento cause of death: What happened to Pelé’s daughter?

The councilwoman passed away while receiving treatment for breast cancer, multiple organ failure, and lung metastases in the ICU at Beneficência Portuguesa in Santos.

Despite chemotherapy, the disease soon spread to the left breast and then to other organs when the right breast was removed in May 2005 after it was discovered there. According to medical reports, Sandra resisted treatment because she believed a divine miracle would occur in her place.

“We warned her several times that she couldn’t postpone it, but she said that she had a lot of activities and that she couldn’t,” said one of the doctors.
