Were These John Wayne's Last Words?

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Per Classic Country Music, John Wayne had seven children from two of his three marriages, all of whom survived him. Two of his sons, unsurprisingly, went on to have prominent roles in the industry themselves. Notably, per Outsider, Michael Wayne produced several of his father's movies, such as 1960's "The Alamo" and 1968's "The Green Berets." According to Neatorama, his family gathered at his bedside as his time came to an end, but it was to his daughter Aissa that he directed his true last words.

Neatorama states that Aissa, then 23 years old, clasped his hand as he began to fade. He had reportedly been semi-conscious for his last days at the hospital, and Aissa wanted to be sure that her father knew his family was with him and he was surrounded by love. She asked if he knew her, if he knew she was there. His heart-touching response was the last thing Wayne ever uttered.

"Of course I know who you are. You're my girl. I love you."

With that, it seems, he was gone. What fitting last words for a man who, despite his rough, tough exterior, could be emotionally transparent when it mattered the most.
